What We Believe
The Beautiful Church is a vibrant church organization dedicated to advocating for truth, disseminating the teachings of God, and cultivating meaningful connections among our members.
Our messages are clear and direct, focusing on the call to grow in one’s spiritual journey in Jesus.
We affirm that Jesus Christ walked the earth as both fully man and fully God.

Our Ministries
We uphold the five-fold ministries and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, believing in the active movement/guidance of the Spirit in our lives.
We proclaim that Jesus Christ lived, died, and was resurrected; He is seated at the right hand of the power of God. Jesus is our Lord and Savior, who desires a personal relationship with His followers.
We proclaim that Jesus Christ lived, died, and was resurrected; He is seated at the right hand of the power of God. Jesus is our Lord and Savior, who desires a personal relationship with His followers.
His Return
We anticipate His return to rapture His church, which will be without stain or wrinkle.
We have witnessed and believe in the enduring power of the Almighty, who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.
We have witnessed and believe in the enduring power of the Almighty, who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.